Monday, March 7, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

We had a day of reflection on the Admonitions of St. Francis of Assisi on Saturday, presented by Fr. Chuck Faso, OFM. Here is a moment in action.

We were each given an admonition at random to reflect on. I had Admonition 22:

1. Blessed is the servant who, when he speaks, does not reveal everything about himself in the hope of receiving a reward, and who is not quick to speak (cf. Prv. 29:20), but wisely weighs what he should say and how he should reply. 2. Woe to that religious who does not keep in his heart the good things the Lord reveals to him (cf. Lk. 2:19, 51) and who does not manifest them to others by his actions, but rather seeks to make such good things known by his words. 3. He thereby receives his reward (cf. Mt. 6:2, 16) while those who listen to him carry away but little fruit.

My important takeaways from this were: 1) Think before you speak (something I am not always good at) and 2) If someone has done good for me (thereby showing me the love of God), I should learn from that and do likewise to others.

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